STEM-project "Due to difficulties, to the stars!" ("Через труднощі, до зірок!")

This is an interdisciplinary STEM project aimed at raising children's knowledge of the Universe on the natural sciences, astronomy, English language, computer science, fine arts and labor education. In the course of its implementation, NASA astronauts teach the students through video tutorials on the YouTube channel, which explain to children that in order to become a true astronaut, you need to be healthy, to stick to proper nutrition and exercise, which forms endurance and strength. Also along with the Paxi space character, students study the planets of the solar system, develop a healthy meal menu, manufacture space rockets themselves and explore the professions needed to explore space and meet the space medieval Era of Aquarius. The added reality of space flight helps pupils to fantasize.

The goal of the project is to use STEM-technologies for students to acquire knowledge about the Universe (Space) on various subjects; to introduce children to peers from other countries; improve communication skills in English and work with ICT (including taking part in the European Week of Coding); develop important skills of the XXI century (work in a group, creativity, responsibility, initiative, critical thinking);  teach students to take care of their health, understanding the importance of sport and good nutrition for  future spacemans.


Labor Studies, Astronomy, Fine Arts, Computer Science, English Language, Natural History

Let's go through the Universe 

 to the jellyfish of the Aquarius era

2. Chemical Science

4. Computer Science

There are no wings, but this bird flew and landed.




Software for teaching Computer Science, Coding and Robotics

NASA Selfies

Space fantasy

Space rocket


Planet Earth from mandarin



How many planets?


Unmanned device for Ukrainian  soldiers "Stork -100"("Лелека -100")

In Chervonograd brought drone "Stork - 100".

   After 8 months, funds for the purchase of an unmanned flying machine for the 24th individual mechanized brigade named after King Danyla continued.

   Its total cost is UAH 457,000. 


У Червоноград привезли безпілотник "Лелека - 100".

🔺Більше 8 місяців тривав збір коштів на придбання безпілотного літаючого апарату для 24 - ої окремої механізованої бригади імені короля Данила.

🔺Загальна його вартість - 457 000 грн.